Verlag des Forschungszentrums Jülich

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>94 Treffer<

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Stockinger, Michael
Streamwater transit time distributions at the catchment scale: constraining uncertainties through identification of spatio-temporal controls
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XIX, 161 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-131-6

Dick, Markus
Strukturelle Untersuchungen zur Aktivität und Stabilität in Acetaldehyd-abhängigen Aldolasen
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200 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-165-1

Wang, Junmiao
Surface Potential of Metallic Surfaces and Self-Assembling Organic Monolayers in Various Electrolytes
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ii, 58 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-188-0

Piansawan, Tammarat
Temperature Dependence of Carbon Kinetic Isotope Effect for The Oxidation Reaction of Ethane by Hydroxyl Radicals Under Atmospherically Relevant Conditions: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
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196 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-166-8

Gottselig, Nina
The Role of Natural Nanoparticles and Colloids for Phosphorus Binding in Forested Headwater Catchments
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VIII, 116 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-160-6

Abdullaev, S.S.; Finken, K. H.; Wongrach, K; Willi, O
Theoretical and experimental studies of runaway electrons in the TEXTOR tokamak
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X, 109 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-140-8

Stournari, Vasiliki
Thermo-mechanical Properties of Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conducting Membranes for Gas Separation
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167 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-117-0

Böhm, Anna
Thermoschockverhalten und temperaturabhängige Eigenschaften kohlenstoffarmer und -freier Feuerfestwerkstoffe
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VI, 153 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-139-2

Zhang, Miaoyue
Transport, co-transport, and retention of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in porous media
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VII, 112 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-198-9

Stolten, D.; Peters, Ralf; (Editors)
TRENDS 2015 - Transition to Renewable Energy Devices and Systems
Print-on-demand - Preis auf Anfrage
200 S., 2016 , ISBN 978-3-95806-195-8

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Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich

Ihre Ansprechperson

Heike Lexis
+49 2461 61-5367

Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2022