Verlag des Forschungszentrums Jülich
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Erscheinungsjahr 2020
>76 Treffer<
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Brogi, Cosimo
Geophysics-based soil mapping for improved modelling of spatial variability in crop growth and yield
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xxi, 127 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-510-9
Zheng, Fengshan
High spatial resolution and three-dimensional measurement of charge density and electric field in nanoscale materials using off-axis electron holography
Print-on-demand - Preis auf Anfrage
S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-476-8
Stolten, D.; Emonts, B.; (Editors)
IEK-3 Report 2019
Tailor-Made Energy Conversion for Sustainable Fuels
Print-on-demand - Preis auf Anfrage
162 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-451-5
Avenhaus, Rudolf; Krieger, Thomas
Inspection Games over Time: Fundamental Models and Approaches
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VIII, 455 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-475-1
Syranidou, Chloi
Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the Future European Power System Using a Verified Dispatch Model with High Spatiotemporal Resolution
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VIII, 242 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-494-2
-kein Autor-
Interaction of physical fields with nanostructured materials
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255 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-450-8
Xing, Ying
Iron isotope fractionation in arable soil and graminaceous crops
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X, 111 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-509-3
Poshyvaolo, Liubov
Lagrangian Simulation of Stratospheric Water Vapour: Impact of Large-Scale Circulation and Small-Scale Transport Processes
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124 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-488-1
Bischof, Cornelia
Leistungssteigerung meatallgestützter Festelektrolyt-Brennstoffzellen (MSCs) durch gezielte Optimierungen des Anoden/Elektrolytverbunds
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X, 176 S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-455-3
Künstler, Christopher
Measurements of Atmospheric OH and HO2 Radicals by Laser-Induced Fluorescence on the HALO Aircraft during the OMO-ASIA 2015 Campaign
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S., 2020 , ISBN 978-3-95806-477-5
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Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich
Ihre Ansprechperson
Heike Lexis
+49 2461 61-5367
Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2022