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>112 Treffer<
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Bauer, G. S.; Filges, D.
Proceedings of the 5th' Meeting of the International Collaboration an Advanced Neutron Sources, Jülich, June 22 - 26,1981
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684 S., 1981
Schaffer, Georg
IKOR : an isochronous pulse compressor ring for proton beams
99 S., 1981
Implementing Agreement for a Programme of Research and Development on Wind Energy Conversion Systems
1981 Meeting of Experts of Annex III and IIIa Integration of Wind Power into National Electricity Supply Systems
101 S., 1981
Windheim, Rolf; Hau, Erich
Implementing agreement for cooperation in the development of large scale wind energy conversion systems
Environmental and safety aspects of the present large scale wecs : meeting of experts 0005 München, 25.09.80-26.09.80
221 S., 1981
kein Autor
Implementing agreement for cooperation in the development of large scale wind energy conversion systems
Reliability and maintenance problems of LS WECS: meeting of experts. 0006 Aalborg, 29.04.81-30.04.81
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169 S., 1981
Geiß, Heiner; Nester, K.; Thomas, P.; Vogt, K. J.
In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland experimentell ermittelte Ausbreitungsparameter für 100 m Emissionshöhe
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29 S., 1981
Demokan, O.; Waelbrock, F.
Iron transport in a confined high temperature plasma
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22 S., 1981
Hagmann, B.
Isotopenkorrelation in bestrahltem HTR Brennstoff
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141 S., 1981
Telin, H.
Kernforschungsanlage Jülich: Verzeichnis der Berichte. 1980
39 S., 1981
Wichmann, Rolf
Kontinuierliche enzymatische Synthese mit Coenzym Regenerierung
166 S., 1981
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Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich
Ihre Ansprechperson
Heike Lexis
+49 2461 61-5367
Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2022