Verlag des Forschungszentrums Jülich

Janev, Ratko K.; Reiter, Detlev
Collision Processes of Hydrocarbon Species in Hydrogen Plasmas: III. The Silane Famliy
34 Blatt S., 2003

Cross sections are provided for most important collision processes of the Silicon-Hydrides from the "Silane-family" : SiHy (y = 1 - 4) molecules and their ions SiHy+ , with (plasma) electrons and protons . The processes include: electron impact ionization and dissociation of SiHy, dissociative excitation, ionization and recom-bination of SiHy+ ions wich electrons, and charge - and atom - exchange in proton collisions with SiHy. All important channels of dissociative processes are con-sidered. Information is also provided an the energetics (reactants/products energy loss / gain) of each individual reaction channel. Total and partial cross sections are presented in compact analytic forms.

The critical assessment of data, derivation of new data and presentation of re-sults follow closely the concepts of the recently published related databases for Carbon-Hydrides, namely for the Methane family [1, 2], and for the Ethane- and the Propane families [3], respectively.


Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich

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Heike Lexis
+49 2461 61-5367

Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2022